Avskum is a legendary Swedish D-beat punk band from little town Kristinehamn. Playing classic Swedish hardcore influenced by Discharge, Avskum started in the early 1980s, only to temporarily disband until the mid 1990s where they returned more ..... Empire! (I was a lonely estate) & Football, etc. - Split - Empire! Empire! | Football, etc. Beautiful split 7'' between two beautiful American indie-emo bands. Beautiful! :) Remember this is a new band called "Fo... 1 day ago ...
Besides all that, "I'm more American now than I am Swedish," said Freeman, 58, who was born in Kristinehamn, Sweden, and grew up in Stockholm. Freeman's career of more than 30 years with Swedish Match, a Stockholm-based international ...
Sulla strada di ritorno ci siamo fermati a Kristinehamn a vedere una statua di Picasso esposta sulla riva del lago per accogliere le barche approdano nel porto. E' la statua pi? grande di Picasso, alta 15 metri, fatta di calcestruzzo, ...